Privacy policy

WineBarrel GmbH
Lagerstrasse 30
3360 Herzogenbuchsee

Phone: +41 79 613 13 93

Authorized representatives:
Martin Pauli, Florian Schmutz and Nicolas Christener

VAT number: CHE-162.314.186
VAT number: CHE-162.314.186 VAT

This website uses cookies. These are small text files that allow specific information relating to the user to be stored on the user's device while the user is using the website. Cookies make it possible in particular to determine the frequency of use and the number of users of the pages, to analyze behavioral patterns of page usage, but also to make our offer more customer-friendly. Cookies remain stored on your computer beyond the end of a browser session and can be retrieved again when you visit the site again.

A general objection to the use of cookies for online marketing purposes can be declared for a variety of services, especially tracking, via the US website or the EU website Cookies can also be blocked by deactivating them in the browser settings. Please note that in this case, not all functions of this online service can be used.

Server log files
The provider of this website automatically collects and stores information in so-called server log files, which your browser automatically transmits to us. These are:
• Browser type and version
• Operating system used
• Referrer URL
• Hostname of the accessing computer
• Time of server request

This data cannot be assigned to specific people. This data will not be merged with other data sources. We reserve the right to subsequently check this data if we become aware of concrete evidence of illegal use.

Google Maps
This website uses Google Maps. This enables us to display interactive maps directly on the website and to enable you to use the map function conveniently. When you visit the website, Google receives the information that you have accessed the corresponding subpage of our website. This happens regardless of whether Google provides a user account through which you are logged in or whether there is no user account. If you are logged in to Google, your data will be assigned directly to your account. If you do not want to be assigned to your Google profile, you must log out before activating the button. Google stores your data as usage profiles and uses them for the purposes of advertising, market research and/or needs-based design of its website. Such an evaluation is carried out in particular (also for users who are not logged in) to provide needs-based advertising and to inform other users of the social network about your activities on our website. You have the right to object to the creation of these user profiles; you must contact Google to exercise this right. Further information on the purpose and scope of data collection and processing by Google as well as further information on your rights and setting options for protecting your privacy can be found at:

The author assumes no liability for the correctness, accuracy, timeliness, reliability and completeness of the information.
Liability claims against the author for material or immaterial damages resulting from access to, use of or non-use of the published information, misuse of the connection or technical malfunctions are excluded.

All offers are non-binding. The author reserves the express right to change, add to or delete parts of the pages or the entire offer without prior notice, or to temporarily or permanently stop publication.

Source: BrainBox Solutions